Contact Deon Christie.

Contact Deon Christie Online

Contact with Deon Christie Online.

Contact Deon Christie online through these various mediums. But first a few quick words. Affiliate Marketing is a sequence of tiny objective steps in the right direction. Furthermore, Google Traffic is the lifeblood of any Online Business. Although I always try keeping up with the personal touch. It helps with Branding my Name and get recognized as a writer and blogger.

Not always that easy especially when your audiences start growing a little faster than anticipated. All as a result of a passionate interest into Blogging and Affiliate Marketing. But that’s the kind of results you can expect from Search Engine Optimization.

Reach me by Email –

For any urgent contact issues or questions. Questions you may have about Affiliate Marketing. Blogging and Search Engine Optimization to make Money Online. But also visit other Posts on this Blog. Covering many of the most common technicalities of Affiliate Marketing and Blogging.

Knowledge gathered over a few years (since 2012). Working my way through affiliate marketing and blogging. Publishing eBooks and launching digital products. Researching the logic behind the concept of making money online.

Contact Deon Christie Online Blogger Writer
Contact Through Social Networking and Email.

Join me on Major Social Networks.

View some latest Videos by Deon Christie online created with Free tools.  This will cost you nothing but time to learn about Lumen 5. With great templates and graphics to use. There’s also Microsoft Expression Encoder for Screenshot Tutorial Videos. Which works great for creating Tutorial Videos.

Guide your Audience through certain steps they may have a hard time with. That way they may even want to make contact. Remember that there is always someone out there struggling with something you have already mastered.

The Basics of YouTube Video Ranking is identical to Ranking Blog Pages and Posts. Because Your Title and Description is what determines the Categorization and Ranking Capability. Therefore the Heart of your Online Business as an Affiliate Marketer. Is Keyword and Search Phrase Placement.

There are currently 5 Facebook Pages and 2 Facebook Groups. Packed with Content Relevant to Affiliate Marketing. Email List Building and Blogging with Google Traffic Secrets. You will notice the “Sign Up” Button on each Page. That’s the Landing Page redirect I also mention as a List Building tactic. Facebook is the Third Largest Traffic Platform on the Planet.

Second to YouTube Alone which is why there are now also “Facebook Watch” for Uploading Videos to Facebook. Because the video industry is growing exponentially. Which means generating floods of targeted free organic web traffic.

Contact Deon Christie through FB Pages.

Groups and Pages first of all. You have options between Public or Closed Pages and Groups. Use Closed groups for more Targeted Audiences. People sharing a specific interest that Asks to join the group. These kind of audiences are also more likely to join your Email List from Subscribe or Sign Up Buttons.

Contact Deon Christie through FB Groups.

There are also other Social Profiles where you can make contact like Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Social networking plays a huge role in gaining Credibility with your audiences. It builds trust and if people are going to buy from you then they need to See who you are. Both Quora and Medium have a Visitor Count in the Hundreds of Millions per Month.

Google offer many great engagement tools Like Google Hangouts and Google Trends, not to mention the Google Search Console. Between Facebook and Google you have an Arsenal of tools to use. And these Two Giants are also the Largest Traffic Platforms on Earth.

How to Contact Deon Christie.

Gaining Credibility with your Audience through contact requires Transparency. And Useful Unique Content. Because The Key is to offer a Solution. To an Identified Need within your Niche. Only One Factor determines Conversion of Any Kind and that is the Quality of Your Content.

From Blogging to Commenting and Consequently Social Networking, you must always aim at offering Quality. Add value to a discussion and engage your audiences.

Contact Deon Christie Online Blogger Writer
Deon Christie – Writer Blogger Affiliate Marketer.

Important to Take with You.

To actually make money online will require maximum effort. Therefore you need to prepare for a Journey. Not a race to fame and fortune. Furthermore it will require long hours researching and learning. Setting up systems and testing programs. Also tracking results of certain tasks.

You need knowledge in order to build recognition. And yes you will spend money. Most probably even lose some money on your journey. But if you are prepared to learn. Then you are already half way there.

Because it always has been and always will be. About how much you can learn. And not about how much you can earn.

Always offer value to gain a contact. And be transparent with your audiences. Do not Ever make false claims in a desperate attempt to a sale. Be who you say you are. And you cannot be a social networking expert. With a faceless social profile. Neither can you be an SEO expert.

And Not have your own blog or website. Not free sites but domains you own. If you want to get recognized as a professional in your field. Then be a professional in your field.

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