article writing tips to attract more readers and search engines

Article writing tips for readers and search engines introduction.

Below are several article writing tips to attract readers and search engines’ interest. Therefore, this article is filled with article writing tips for increased exposure resulting in more readers. Also rapidly boost exposure through SEO article writing to generate more revenue.

These article writing tips will guide you through strategic target keyword and search phrase placement. This, however, has a lot to do with SEO article writing. But don’t run yet, because SEO is not as complicated as time-consuming.

With SEO article writing there are things like “featured snippets” and “meta descriptions” added to the article writing “to-do” list. 3 main areas of your article will contribute largely to better SEO practice, these are listed below.

  • Title (H1 Header)
  • Presentation Image.
  • First 2 To 4 Sentences.

Writing great articles is a talent you acquire over a few years; it is not something that “falls in your lap”. Nothing is. Listed below are the top article writing tips to attract reader and search engine attention.

  • Article Title (H1 Header).
  • Article Sub Headers (H2 Headers).
  • Presentation Image (Thumbnail).
  • Strategic Keyword And Search Phrase Placement.
  • Moderate Bolding Of Target Keywords.
  • Quality Of Your Content (Problem Solving Capability).
  • Article Introduction And Conclusion.
  • Keyword And Search Phrase Density.
  • Keyword And Search Phrase Popularity.

These article writing tips are aimed at increasing your exposure, and also your sales. Your number of sales with article writing, however, will depend on the level of trust and recognition you gain as a writer.

The best way to start your article is with text and presentation.

Presentation is everything with article writing. Your presentation is what your reader and search engines see first. This is how a scroll turns into a click, a click into a visitor, and ultimately a buyer.

Presentation is how your article writing displays on search engine result pages and in various platforms’ home feeds. Like writing with Medium and Patreon for instance. There are 3 main focus points when it comes to article writing and presentation as listed below.

  • Title (H1 Header)
  • Presentation Image.
  • First 2 To 4 Sentences.

One particular article I published only 3 days prior is already indexed in search engines. Because article headers and the first few lines of the article’s body text are your chance to attract attention and create curiosity.

The first few lines of the article text must include the target keywords and search phrases because it is important. It forms part of your article Meta description in search engines. In a nutshell, SEO is all about how well you describe your content to search engines!

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Article Writing And Automated Marketing

Along with these article writing tips to attract readers and search engine interest. You must realize and accept the fact that search engines are “businesses” like any other. Therefore, they want to provide their “customers” with the best solution to the search topic. This is where it gets challenging.

Your job as a writer is to offer better content to search engines, as the current ranking content to “outrank” your competitors for a specific search phrase. The “specific search phrase” is usually your H1 header or article tile. Follow these article writing tips to attract readers and search engines.

Article writing tips and the importance of presentation.

Your article presentation image also gets indexed in search engines separately from your article. But the image redirects to your article, increasing your exposure and traffic to your article through search engines.

Your featured image must correspond with the topic of the indexed article. Because the “first impression” must tell your readers and search engines exactly what your article is about. That way you attract readers interested in a specific topic.

But the “magic” provided by your presentation image with your article does not end there. Your article presentation image is used as a “thumbnail” in many content feeds. But it is also important to focus image text on the centre of the image to attract attention.

When the image is used as a thumbnail, then it will get cropped from the sides. But also on search result pages with mobile devices like cell phones and tablets. Placing your text in the “wrong position” might result in your primary “message” getting “lost”.

The better you “describe” your article content, the more attention it will attract. Be as descriptive and precise as you can to attract more attention to your article.

Subheaders and strategic search phrases also play an important role in attracting attention. Because sub headers (H2 headers) usually display as the “table of contents” with blogging for instance.

Article writing tips with subheaders and search phrases.

With subheaders and target keywords, or search phrases used in article writing. You want to include your target keywords and search phrases within no more than 75% of your combined subheader content or text lines. You can use exact search phrases or break them up into smaller “bite-size” pieces.

With subheaders, you want to use the same target keywords and search phrases that you have used with your article title or H1 header. Subheaders also contribute to better explaining your content to both your readers and search engines. That way, as mentioned earlier, targeting and attracting topic-interested readers.

This is paramount because the more targeted your readers are the more response you can expect. And the more responses you receive, the “more important” your content becomes to search engines. Because any algorithm looks for activity, be it search engines, social media platforms, or otherwise.

Content with a lot of responses attracts attention. It tells search engines that this is the kind of content people are interested in. Based on the specific topic, therefore, increasing your chances of leveraging search engines for targeted traffic and readers.

Article writing tips and article body keyword placement.

Your article body should be populated with your keywords and search phrases. Depending on the length of your content, you want to include your target keywords and search phrases around 34 to 35 times. Although there is no set metric or requirements when it comes to keyword and search phrase density.

You want to include your search phrases a bit more frequently right at the beginning of your article. As mentioned earlier, especially your first 2 to 4 lines of text or sentences. This is just an added SEO advantage, or “trick” I have learned during my journey through online marketing.

Reaching a targeted audience is crucial because 100 readers interested in your content will outperform 100,000 non-interested readers any day. That is just how exposure works, you must be as descriptive and clear as possible with your article writing.

Article writing tips for readers and search engines conclusion.

These article writing tips to attract readers and search engine attention work. The best part is that it really is not that difficult to understand and apply. It does, however, require a bit of time, patience and planning from your side.

Apart from this article writing tips to attract the attention of readers and search engines. When you do not use an article presentation image, then the first article image will be used as the “presentation image”. To summarize all the article writing tips, it comes down to the following.

  • Article Title (H1 Header).
  • Article Sub Headers (H2 Headers).
  • Presentation Image (Thumbnail).
  • Strategic Keyword And Search Phrase Placement.
  • Moderate Bolding Of Target Keywords.
  • Quality Of Your Content (Problem Solving Capability).
  • Article Introduction And Conclusion.
  • Keyword And Search Phrase Density.
  • Keyword And Search Phrase Popularity.

See, we told you it’s not that difficult to understand. It all comes down to how well you describe the content of your article to attract both readers and search engine interests. Now go outwrite your competitors a little “easier”, by following these article writing tips.

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By Deon Christie

Deon Christie is an Aspiring Writer, Professional WordPress blogger and successful Affiliate Marketer since 2012 with extensive SEO knowledge. Familiar with Digital Sales and Affiliate Platforms like ClickBank, ClickSure, ClickBetter, Amazon, and JV Zoo. With ClickBank as both Affiliate Marketer and Vendor after first Product launch in 2016 Received the Diamond Expert Author certification from My E-Zine Articles Dot Com with work Published and featured on sites like Medium, Quora, Hub-Pages, Mashable, Digital Doughnut and Blogarama. Social Networking skills include all major Social Networking Platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumbler, Instagram, Google+ and StumbleUpon (And the list goes On)

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