Category: Blogging Tips 2018-2019

Blogging Tips 2018-2019 and Beyond. WordPress Blogging and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Simplified. Furthermore the Importance of Compelling Content. Line and Color Psychology. Because Content must inspire a Certain Mood. Professional Blogging is to Inspire and Share Ideas. Furthermore a Blog is Not a Sales Page. Because it only portrays Desperation.

Desperate sales pitches will destroy Audience Interest. Because when Content is compelling enough. An audience will Trust you and Buy from you. Be prepared to Research. Be prepared for Failure and not succeeding the first time.

Best Blogging Tips 2018-2019

Learn how to Place Relevant Keywords. Because the Target keyword is your Key. Therefore Search Phrase Placement is equally important. Furthermore there is Word Count and Readability. In addition also Presentation and First Impression.

The use of Plugins is Especially Relevant. Because it Simplifies Technicalities like SEO. Furthermore it helps with Link Cloaking. And PayPal Pay Buttons. Another advantage is Automated Email List Building.