getting more buyer traffic to generate online sales

Get more buyer traffic with GEO location and timing introduction.

Getting more buyer traffic to increase sales means GEO location and timing. It must be the most difficult part of making money online. Because getting random traffic is the easy part, getting more buyer traffic is a completely different concept. Getting more buyer traffic means GEO location targeting, and timing.

These two elements are crucial to getting more buyer traffic and more sales. Especially when you target top-tier countries through GEO location, which is also your best chance of boosting sales. But you also need to master the art of creating curiosity. There are but a few top-tier countries as listed below.

  • United States.
  • United Kingdom.
  • New Zealand.
  • Germany.
  • Australia.
  • Canada.

Getting more buyer traffic by creating curiosity, is the art of selling, without selling anything. When you create curiosity, getting more buyer traffic becomes much, well, easier. A curious audience will always be ab active audience, people that visit your site and go through pages. That means, a drop in your bounce rate.

There are a few ways to create curiosity and increase buyer traffic volume. But it often comes down to one simple basic principle, offer value. Provide your visitors with something they can “take with them”, so to speak. Focus on the following.

  • Offer Solutions To Problems.
  • Provide Answers To Questions.
  • Give Advice To Reach A Goal.

When you aim to get more buyer traffic, you want to concentrate on these three paramount factors. The key to generating sales online is not being the best salesman, the key is to be the best problem solver you can be. Share your knowledge, help people and the sales will come.

Getting more buyer traffic means creating curiosity.

Creating curiosity is the key to getting more buyer traffic through GEO location and timing. This is a winning combination for more buyer traffic every time. Basically, creating curiosity comes down to the 3, below listed content questions.

  • Why is this the best solution?
  • What benefits are available?
  • Did it work for you?

Getting more buyer traffic means convincing visitors why your product is the best solution. Mention the benefits, especially free bonuses. But, also buy and test what you intend to promote so you know that the claims made are legit. That way you can also write much more informative content, and create curiosity faster.

Create curiosity through your writing, be it a product review or otherwise. Give advice, and offer solutions without ever sales pitching anyone. Let your content do the talking and create curiosity to get more buyer traffic through GEO location and timing.

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Establishing GEO location and how to calculate timing.

GEO location and timing play a paramount role in getting more traffic and boosting your online sales. I find that focusing on UTC time (Coordinated Universal Time) will help you calculate the time difference between you, and your more profitable targeted audience.

For instance, I am in South Africa and my UTC is UTC+2. When looking at a United States audience, that will be UTC-5 to 6 hours. That is why my best time to reach my US audience will be at UTC-6 hours. So, if I want to reach my US target audience, I have to be online at around 04 AM – 11 AM and again at 04 PM – 08 PM on my side. Then you establish which of those times your audience is the most active.

These are the best times to publish, share posts, run paid ads or do anything you do to get more buyer traffic. Getting the right product in front of the right audience at the right time. All you have to do is work with UTC and then calculate the time difference.

Sometimes getting more traffic and boosting sales may require you to be up and in front of your PC in the AM hours. If that’s what it takes, then that’s what it takes. Just decide on how badly you crave the freedom that comes with more money and sales.

Product and affordability with getting more buyer traffic.

There is also product and affordability, depending on the GEO location you are targeting. Be sure that your potential visitor can afford what you are selling. For example, you will be wasting your time promoting something for $500 – $1000 in South Africa. That is the entire salary of the average person.

But in the United States, $500 might be a lot more affordable, therefore a better chance at a sale. You can get floods of buyer traffic, but if they cannot afford what you are selling, then it completely defeats the purpose. You need to study your target audience, focus on general incomes etc. Establish affordability first.

Getting more buyer traffic through GEO location and timing also means checking the product history. How long has it been online? What are people saying about the product? Be careful because many products will be online for a while, and you end up with a bunch of “dead” URLs in your content.

Conclusion of getting more buyer traffic and more sales.

Getting more buyer traffic through GEO location and timing is the key to reaching the right audience and generating sales. But your product is of equal importance, you must solve a problem, and offer a solution with your product. A solution that is irresistible, based on your audience’s interest.

To give you an idea of one of my strategies for getting more buyer traffic. Which audience am I targeting, topic-wise? A gaming community of a specific game which has in-game purchases. Now, which of those passionate gamers would not be interested in making a little extra on the side? See where this is going?

As an online entrepreneur, it is your job to think of new ways and means to offer quality to your readers. Then test your strategies before offering them to your audiences. Most strategies you come up with and test will probably fail. But you must keep going, and keep the ones that work for you.

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Getting More Free Buyer Traffic Fast

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By Deon Christie

Deon Christie is an Aspiring Writer, Professional WordPress blogger and successful Affiliate Marketer since 2012 with extensive SEO knowledge. Familiar with Digital Sales and Affiliate Platforms like ClickBank, ClickSure, ClickBetter, Amazon, and JV Zoo. With ClickBank as both Affiliate Marketer and Vendor after first Product launch in 2016 Received the Diamond Expert Author certification from My E-Zine Articles Dot Com with work Published and featured on sites like Medium, Quora, Hub-Pages, Mashable, Digital Doughnut and Blogarama. Social Networking skills include all major Social Networking Platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumbler, Instagram, Google+ and StumbleUpon (And the list goes On)

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