how to improve writing skills

Creative Writing to Improve Writing Skills.

  • Access 3 Tools to Increase Writing Skills.
  • Learn to Write SEO friendly Content.
  • Tools to Improve English Writing Skills.
  • Improving your Blogging Writing Skills.
  • Creative Writing and Content Layout.
  • Using Plugins to Increase Writing Skills.
  • How to Improve Writing Skills Fast.
  • 3 Top Sites to Build Recognition.

There are 3 crucial tools to improve your writing skills. And rank your blog posts and pages faster in search engines. But it will still largely depend on the quality of your content. And the context in which you use keywords and search phrases. Because you also need to add LSI keywords.

That way search engines will more deeply understand your blog content. Therefore, increasing your blog ranking capability rather exponentially.

But improving your writing skills with these tools will require maximum effort. And a lot of research looking for trending keywords. Because writing skills improve over time. And writing is about a whole lot more than just content. There are a presentation and readability.

Transition words and content length for both paragraphs and sentences. Along with layout and font size. Make your writing as easy as possible to read.

blog post seo tools

Therefore, improving your writing skills by offering value. Easy to read value and useful content. Compelling presentation and the ability to create curiosity. These are all ways to improve your writing skills.

Ranking your content faster and higher in search engines.

How to Improve Writing Skills
Improve your Writing Skills to offer Quality and Usefulness.

Compose clear, mistake-free writing that makes the right impression with Grammarly’s writing assistant. – Source

3 Tools to Improve English Writing Skills.

Making use of Yoast SEO Premium – Your writing skills will drastically improve by using the Yoast SEO Premium plugin for WordPress. Because readability contributes to better user experience. Therefore, word count and paragraph length are important.

The use of transition words and the absence of passive voice. Along with keyword density and using sub headings.

Use Google keyword PlannerImprove your writing skills by researching relevant keywords. Keywords with a low competition and high search volume. But also base your research on demography. And target the top tier countries.

USA, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Access the Google Keyword Planner through your Google Ads (formerly Google Adwords) account.

Make Use of LSI Graph – The LSI Graph Tool will improve your writing skill. By providing relevant LSI keywords to your target keywords and search phrases. But LSI keywords are often confused with synonyms.

Which they are not. LSI keywords are keywords relevant to. But not like your target keyword.

Turn 60% more leads into customers while spending 10% less. Word-Stream can help make it happen for your small business. – Source

Importance of Writing Skills in Blogging.

Improving your writing skills with consistency may prove more challenging than anticipated. Because unique useful content requires a lot of research. And all us writers know that it’s not an “available on demand” kind of talent.

So instead of posting one post per day. Rather schedule your posts based on your audience engagement.

eBooks to drive blog post traffic
Design compelling eBooks to Drive Blog Traffic and Make Money Online.

Continue writing new content while the inspiration flows. And by scheduling perhaps one post per week create better consistency. Which will also be recognized by search engines.

Post scheduling is available from the WordPress C-Panel. Find it in the right sidebar along with categories and tags. Furthermore, you may want to check out the Gutenberg Block Editor. This breaks down your content into more “bite size chunks” for search engines.

Creative Writing and Blog Post Layout.

Improve your writing skill by also focusing on layout. This is important for user experience. Which is a major SEO ranking factor in 2020. And with visual search on the rise. The addition of video and images comes highly recommended.

Writing content that will dominate SEO search results is covered more in-depth on another post – Writing Content to Dominate SEO.

Raise the level of your writing skills. By adding at least 2 images and one video to each blog post. But also create content relevant to the images and video. Add bullets and lists with the block editor in WordPress.

Use that to not only improve your writing skills. But also make it as easy as possible for search engines to understand your content.

Improve your writing skills by writing sentences no more than 20 words. Although shorter sentences are more preferred to increase readability. And paragraphs of no more than 250 – 300 words. While sub dividing your content with sub headings.

Content length is a huge topic among bloggers. And while content length is not a ranking factor. It does contribute to better understanding. Because the lengthier your blog post. The more keywords, search phrases and LSI keywords can be included.

Writing skills are an important part of communication.  Good writing skills allow you to communicate your message with clarity and ease to a far larger audience. – Source

Therefore, making for better search engine understanding and indexing. And contributing largely to better user experience.

Learn how to Write an E-book that Will Sell.

Content Optimizing with Plugins.

Improve your writing skills by adding images and video may also result in slower load speed for your blog. Which will influence the blog ranking capability? Especially with mobile load speed. Which must be below 2.5 seconds. Where anything above 1 second starts contributing to a higher bounce rate.

Using the WordPress JetPack Plugin – This plugin helps with optimization and security issues because your blog needs to be secure. JetPack is your blog’s security detail. And is responsible for site security. Guarding you against brute force attacks. It also blocks unauthorized login attempts.

A WordPress Plugin called Autoptimize – The simplified side of optimizing your content for faster load speed. The purpose of this plugin is to minify and cache scripts and styles. Therefore, injecting CSS and minifying HTML. Because you can even optimize lazy load images and optimize Google Fonts. It can improve your blog’s performance drastically. And contribute to faster ranking in search engines.

Installing and Using the AMP Plugin – The WordPress AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) Plugin will contribute to blog mobile load speed. And the core theme support enables AMP compatibility for most core themes. Therefore removes the majority of unused CSS to bring the total under the required 75kB.

How to Improve Writing Skills Fast.

Adding Image Descriptions and Alt Attributes to all your page and posts content. Because image descriptions and alt attributes are often neglected. Along with category and tag descriptions they play a crucial role in search engine exposure.

Blog post and page featured images should be 1200 x 675. While in post or in page images may be a little smaller. Around 1200 x 400. Use a tool called Canva to design outstanding presentations.

Refrain from using long sentences and complicated words. Keep it simple and easy to both read and remember. Offer value and perhaps tools you know your audience can use. And avoid sales pitching. Your content must be useful enough to create curiosity.

And therefore, generating sales. When your content is compelling enough. Then you will never have to sales pitch again…ever!

Look at older comments. And even edit older posts because optimizing old content can prove rather effective. Improve your wiring skills by optimizing older content. Establish what your audience is looking for this way.

Of course, effective writing requires a good command of the language in which you write or want to write. Once you have that command, you need to learn some tips and tricks so that you can have an edge over others in this hard-to-succeed world of writers. – Source

Engage on groups, pages and forums to establish a common need within your niche. Because in order to offer a solution you first need to identify a need. And then create curiosity.

Creative Writing to improve writing skills
Creative Writing to Improve Writing Skills and attract Attention.

You also improve writing skills by building reputation. Getting recognized as a professional in your field. Because all 3 these sites offer options to start your own blog on the platform.

3 Top Sites to Build Recognition.

Medium – An online publishing platform that launched in 2012. And today Medium receives around 150 Million visitors per Month because of its popularity. With 50% of that from top tier countries like USA, UK and Australia. Therefore, it can increase your writing skills and reputation rather considerably.

Developed by Evan Williams the platform is a perfect example of social journalism. There is a large selection of both amateur and professional people and publications.

Quora – An American question and answers website with over 450 Million visitors per month. Around 50 % are from US, UK, Canada and Australia. Quora was founded in 2009 and made publicly available in June of 2010. And an excellent way to build reputation because of such a large number of visitors.

And already on half a Billion visitors. Therefore you may want to answer questions and even ask a few. Start a Quora blog and share your posts.

Mashable – A global multi-platform media and entertainment company. With 15 Million visitors per month. Where around 75% of that is top tier visitors. USA, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

So, you’re already writing. Now, improving your writing skills is just a matter of becoming conscious of the things you can do to give your text more structure and make your copy crisp and readable with a conversational style. – Source

Use these Tools Wisely and Consistently.

Mashable is the go-to source to improve your writing skills. Reaching a rather influential audience worldwide.

Use these tools and techniques to improve your writing skills because it’s important. Build up audiences and gain trust. By offering value and compelling presentation. Furthermore you need to engage with audiences on the high-value traffic sites provided.

Therefore, you have everything you need. Just get to work and keep going. As a bonus. Check out a tool called Lumen5. Because you can also improve your writing skills by turning blog posts into YouTube videos. And follow pretty much the same SEO techniques as you would blogging.

But do add Play Lists and End Screens to videos. Along with video sub titles.

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By Deon Christie

Deon Christie is an Aspiring Writer, Professional WordPress blogger and successful Affiliate Marketer since 2012 with extensive SEO knowledge. Familiar with Digital Sales and Affiliate Platforms like ClickBank, ClickSure, ClickBetter, Amazon, and JV Zoo. With ClickBank as both Affiliate Marketer and Vendor after first Product launch in 2016 Received the Diamond Expert Author certification from My E-Zine Articles Dot Com with work Published and featured on sites like Medium, Quora, Hub-Pages, Mashable, Digital Doughnut and Blogarama. Social Networking skills include all major Social Networking Platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumbler, Instagram, Google+ and StumbleUpon (And the list goes On)

13 thoughts on “Writing Skills to Rank Faster.”
    1. Hi Alyssa,

      Thanks for your kind words and welcome to my blog. Glad you find my content helpful. Allow me to suggest you also take a look at my post regarding site load speed.

    1. Hi Joyce,

      Pleasure making your acquaintance and welcome to my blog. You’re most welcome. You may also want to check the post on the WordPress Gutenberg editor.

  1. Great information in one single post. I am guessing you have a very good grasp on this topic. Keep up the great work. I will be pinning it on one of my boards.

    1. Hi Nadia,

      Pleasure making your acquaintance and welcome to my blog. Glad you enjoy my content. I would like to think I have a good grasp on this whole writing and SEO thing. But just when you think you have all the keys. They go and change the locks…lol! Allow me to suggest you subscribe to the push notification. Or to my blog. My upcoming post will show you how to boost organic search traffic with 300%. By using old blog posts. No need to create new content to increase organic search traffic.

    1. Hi Jonathan,

      Pleasure making your acquaintance and welcome to my blog. Thanks for the kind words, always a pleasure writing for an appreciative audience.

  2. Great post Deon. I especially like the idea of LSI graph that you mentioned.
    I have come across LSI before and had forgotten about it but I must use it more! I also found your info on other posts regards Guttenburg editor helpful by the way.

    1. Hi Dr Valeria,

      Pleasure making your acquaintance. Thanks for your kind words and welcome to my blog. I only recently started with Gutenberg, now I have around 100 posts to edit…lol! So we learn right? I will do an upcoming post to explain working Gutenberg better. You may want to check out my post on Chrome Extensions and Plugins.

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